Exploring The World: My Traveling Adventures


Since I was a little girl I wanted to see the world. Being told I can do that when I grow up, I wanted to grow up fast. I remember saying I wanted to fly to Norway from Sweden, where I lived. I did this in September 2003 as an exchange student while studying Tourism at the University.

Since my first trip on my own in August 1996 to be a nanny in Connecticut, USA, I simply wanted to see more.

Now I have seen 35 countries and my challenge is to see another 15 new till I turn 55 in 2033, nine years to go.

To travel is to live - H.C- Andersen

Be the relevant courageous, motivating source.

Life´s education starts outside school, where everyone is told what to learn and what and how to do things. 

See places, feel them. Listen, have a taste of it. Use your feeling and live the place. 

Anything that you do outside of school will make you the real you and that is up to you to try that out. This is done by by living. This continues when you work. 


A continent with true culture and history to discover!


The world is a map, try more than one direction!

// The latest travel experiences //

Travel makes you creative.

Create your own story. 

Walk your own path.
Listen to your own inner voice. 

You owe that to yourself!