My Bucketlist blueprint – Travis Bell

What are you waiting for? Why do you let life slip you by?


Do that thing you indented to do and feel the endorphin rush kick in
Stop letting fear be your guiding star. Break up that relationship

In 2020 I had first come into contact with one of Travis Bell’s associates. When I saw that he had published the book My Bucketlist Blueprint, I was quick to order it. I got it signed. What could he have to share? The book cover says he’s Number One. Talk about teasing my curiosity. 

Enough of us have dreamed of having adventures, meeting certain people, testing our limits? In our minds we have thought, wished and dreamed about many things. 

With a pink pen, I sit in our TV room and start reading the first page with enthusiasm. It’s winter outside, cold and shivery. Now I’m going to write my own Bucket List. It brings inner warmth and I feel excited. The next day I buy four books, one for my husband, one for each daugher. Of course, one for me too. I couldn’t miss that? Could I? With silver or gold pen, we write “My Bucket List” and words that we feel inside our minds. What do we spontaneously feel?

I choose “Go for it” and “Live life”

These words sum up my feelings, thoughts and enthusiasm for what I am about to start. That’s how most things should feel.

How often do they come true? How willing are we to leave our comfort zone to try something different? Is the thought frightening? Definitely. I can agree with that. The feelings of tingling at the same time as you have a sense of dread, that mix can be scary

Often fear takes over and the desire to try disappears in a fog. The feeling of fear mixed with delight grows stronger and stronger. Now the wait is over. Or actually I haven’t waited that much, but life intervened. With toddlers who needed more attention. The older they got, the more we as a family were able to help ourselves. Now it’s big and daring kids who want to feel that sense of excitement for themselves.

               “Life is here to be lived. To its fullest potential. Waiting, why? Memories; collect them. Grow. Learn. Try. Aim. Search. Test. Revise. Review. 

Pick a pen and paper. Camera also good. And get going. Write your own list of things to try.

Each letter in the words “My Bucketlist” has a meaning and for each letter there are suggestions of things to try. Find it out. Read the list of ideas of what you can be proud of having done, live a bit wilder. Stop following the mass. Do they know what you want to do for yourself? You can decide. You ought to decide. 

Sharing your stories is a source of inspiration and motivation, a way to connect.

Idiotic stuff, done that part. I keep it to myself, at least for now. Learning new things, working on that one, riding a unicycle, joggle three balls, parallell parking. That list goes on. Personal hero, not sure. But why not meet Travis Bell in person? Yes, up for that. Your proud achievements, that list is long. Scuba diving is one. Conquer a fear, ice-skating and skiing. Kind acts for others, secretly order home delivered pizza, which was fun. Leave a legacy, this blog and my thoughts.

Conclusion: The importance of embracing the chances we have to add pleasure into our lives. 

Why read this book

To never ever again regret not being in charge of your happiness and start planning work around your private life, not the other way round.

Three main take-aways from reading this book:

1. Being active in your life is of highest importance

2. Once you get started it is easy to continue. Your level of ambition rises quickly

3. Spread the wisdom of this topic

Questions and reflections:

1. How often did you realize that life just happened and not being in control of your own life?

2. What stops you from changing your motivation to achieve and experience those things you always knew you wanted to do?

3. Would you dare to just drop everything and live a completely different life to the one you live now?

“Create memories that will last a lifetime.”