Tropics of Capricorn – Simon Reeves

Imagine being far away from society and it feels as if you are not in our real world.

Imagine being far away from society and it feels as if you are not in our real world
Having destiny depending on destiny itself.

Scary thought, right. Our genes take us different places. Simon´s genes had something special planed for him.

The idea Simon has is cool, that I admit. Just having a name, Tropic of Capricorn, popping up in your thoughts and the next second you do lots of research and what you have had planed is thrown out the window. Because something better and completely different came along. 

Adventure in various forms and is depicted with intense emotions. Honesty is always part of his stories.

The various inputs makes life come alive and it is with intensity that I keep reading to see what kind of life people live. Mother Earth has much to offer and being able to grow mentally as a person it is important to be aware of this. Best way is to be part of it without limitations. That is what stops us from becoming the person we could, should and ought to become

              Capricorn, why is it called that? The resemblance might be hidden and needs to dug out to understand the full meaning of it.

“It is thus the southernmost latitude where the Sun can be seen directly overhead. It also reaches 90 degrees below the horizon at solar midnight on the June Solstice. Its northern equivalent is the Tropic of Cancer. The Tropic of Capricorn is one of the five major circles of latitude marked on maps of Earth.”

Could I have joined Simon on his journey? Yes and no. Yes, because it triggers something in me.  My mind and search for more needs to be put into more motions than I offer it. What about you? What feeling do you get when you want to be part of something? I would say no because it scares me too. The crime rate and the dangerous paths he crosses are not possible to count. 

Simon crosses several countries with very distinct nature and landscape. Namibia, Australia, Chile, Argentina, Madagascar, just to name a few. 

Dust, danger, train, busses, culture, men and women, positive, negative, politics, safari, animals, communication. We could go through the alphabet of occurrences, situations, events that he experiences, gets wisdom from. 

Simon challenges himself and embarks on new trips all the time. Never really a dull moment. Might be dull to him after a while and needs to seek more and more. Will one such person ever be satisfied? That answer is not to be answered by anyone, not even the person doing this. Because if we constantly look for something more, we might feel sad coming back home. Life is out there.

Conclusion: Expectations are there to drive and motivate us to aim higher and for more. 

Why read this book

To get a deeper fulfilled understanding about what we could learn from. Embrace the fact that we ought to be grateful for the life we live in the western world.


Three main take-aways from reading this book:

1. That the true you is sometimes hidden in your soul and is waiting to be found

2. Even if we think that we have life planned out, the result can be different

3. Being true to ourselves is of very high importance

Questions and reflections:

1. How blindly do you believe everything you read and hear?

2. What have you been willing to work hard for and fight for to achieve?

3. How would you have reacted and done if there were bad rumors going around about what kind of bad person you are?

“Life is an adventure. Live it” – Anonymous