My philosophy is to make life full of light, insights, reflections and inspiration to change my mind and how I look at things.

// In my blog you will find reviews with a twitch, "outside-the-box" thinking //

Hi, I am Yvonne

When reading my blog, I´d like for you to start also thinking about your life learnings and experiences. With new inputs from studying books, seeing new places, you will experience a personal transformation in how you approach situations coming your way.

Have stories to tell not stuff to show.

This makes life more valuable.

Be the active part of your own journey.

Experiencing things on my Bucket list makes me alive and kicking. Open to the future and I love sharing adventures with my two daughters and my husband. Part of this journey is taking photos and making movies as a reminder of what life gives us. Planning trips in the nature brings me joy, of which taking a scuba dive certificate was a strong connection to nature. Another challenge I have is to visit another 25 countries till I turn 55 in  2033.

Let life be your motivation, books your roadmap, and places your adventure – together, they create the inspiring story of your journey!

// allow yourself to grow with wisdom and from lessons in life //

Sharing is caring

I develop and expand my knowledge through the time I invest in studying books. During this process I take notes, ask myself questions, reflect and draw conclusions.

I share my personal reflections after reading the books coming my way. Be part of an outside-the-box blog.

This is where you uncover your innermost truths, sparking the drive to chase life’s adventures with bold new goals and a renewed sense of purpose.

// You will reflect on life, places and books in new ways //

There is no friend as loyal as a book - Ernest Hemingway

Books: unlocking worlds, igniting minds.  

Reading is a missed chance for inspiration and growth if overlooked. So take charge and make it happen. Your inner voice demands it. 

Be amazed by the power of books. 

Biographies and non-fiction books serve as authentic wellsprings of inspiration, offering narratives rooted in reality that spark the imagination and fuel personal growth.

Be part of my outside-the-box reviews, where you will learn lots about yourself. 

Books are a uniquely portable magic — Stephen King

// Create your own unique way of living, learning and thinking //

“I decided that adventures are the best way to learn” – Loyd Alexander

Let us clarify one thing first. It goes like this;

Dromomania or globetrotter?

This is a need, desire, inner calling to wander or someone who visits all kinds of places in the world.

Does this bring a tingling feeling in your mind? Cherish it, embrace it. Set it free. As a start, read my reviews and my own mental growth from being places.

Reading travel books fuels my excitement to pack my bags and experience the world for myself. I am almost ready to depart. Fill another empty puzzle piece of life. Are you?

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Lao Tzu

// The Latest reviews on Books, Places & Reflections //


Calming, energetic, harmony, fighting spirit. Composing music is a talent. Noticing the changes, what a joy.

// Testimonials //